Our cities, buildings and man-made environment plus issues around health and wellness
Optimising existing HVAC helps, but initial design choices can also regulate temperature passively. Cooling is a large part of a commercial building's energy footprint so an important consideration.
Green buildings are cheaper to operate, more attractive to tenants, and they are future proofed, protecting the landlord against additional refurbishment spending as building standards get tougher. And, they are only slightly more expensive to build. So, if the financial markets are efficient, green commercial buildings should be worth more.
Modern fridges and freezers do a great job keeping food fresh but have some sustainability issues. Solutions exist now and there are some interesting early stage ones too.
Retrofitting can save on costs and GHG emissions by improving operational efficiency.
Making sure the cost estimates for a project are meaningful is essential, as is verifying the expected benefits. But, equally important is how you mange complex projects - we can learn some useful lessons from architect Frank Gehry
'Forever chemicals' are facing increasing scrutiny over their potentially harmful impacts on the environment and our health.
Wood has been used for centuries in construction but when managed appropriately could become key to making the built environment more sustainable.
We often read about transition risk and stranded assets, but what does this really mean, and how does it get reflected in the financial statements and value of companies? The short answer is - much more slowly than you may think.
High Fat, salt or sugar content ultra-processed foods have been a major contributor to the growing obesity pandemic. Calls are growing to shift to healthier options.
We all respond to our environment in different ways. The same is true of disease and medication. Personalising health care could prevent and treat issues more effectively.
Nature has provided insulating materials in the past, but modern technology could mean a return to the mainstream for a more sustainable option.
The drive to lower emissions has been focused on slowing global warming. The impact of emissions - which are really pollutants - on our health is as important.