The Sustainable Investor

Sustainability, Strategy and Finance

The Sustainable Investor
Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

IoT + wireless sensors + CCTV = improved city fire control

Smart Cities are ultimately about making urban areas operate more efficiently. Often that involves different technologies coming together.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

What's ESG got to do with it?

It’s very important that companies provide meaningful and useful ESG data. The key words here are meaningful and useful.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Cleaning up soil and water with plants

Some invasive aquatic plants may actually be able to decontaminate water and soil.

Kristina Touzenis
Members Public

Are we doing enough about modern slavery?

The ILO and the IOM estimate there are 50 million people in situations of 'modern slavery'.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

FLAG(ging) land-intensive sectors

Agriculture, forestry and other land use comprise one-fifth of global GHG emissions. Now we have some science-based targets.

Kristina Touzenis / Steven Bowen
Members Public

Human rights law scope and impact is increasing

Torres Islanders’ have won a legal case involving climate damage and their right to enjoy culture and family life

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

An effective malaria vaccine at scale?

An important milestone in the fight to hold malaria at bay: The R21 vacccine.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Why woodn't you?

A material we have used for thousands of years could become more important.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Tropical diseases beyond the Tropics

Climate change is changing habitats and bringing new threats.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Green steel - we all want it don't we?

Green steel is clearly a good thing. But it's clearly going to need a lot of government support to get from where we are now, using a lot of coal, to where we want to be, using mostly renewables.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Feed the world - Changes to feed and Total Resource Productivity

Agricultural reform including waste and byproduct management could ensure the global population has sufficient nutrients.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Still low on philanthropic action

Whilst philanthropists and nonprofits are alarmed, there isn't enough action.