The Sustainable Investor

Sustainability, Strategy and Finance

The Sustainable Investor
Steven Bowen
Members Public

Are green buildings more valuable?

Apparently buildings with better sustainability credentials are achieving markedly higher capital values and rents

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

The bees' needs

The demise of wild bee populations through temperature changes, land-use and biodiversity loss are putting added strain on commercialised honeybee populations and impacting pollination and ultimately food crop yields.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

An emerging investment theme: biodiversity

It might seem odd to describe biodiversity as an emerging theme, after all its been one of the bedrocks of the Environmental and Social pillars of ESG for some time now.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Is there such a thing as ESG investing?

ESG investing might be similar to traditional investing, but there are some important differences. The obvious one is how we select our investments. The less obvious, but equally important one is how we deal with the uncertainty of the geopolitics.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Companies must evolve or die

"nearly 40% of CEOs think their company will no longer be economically viable a decade from now, if it continues on its current path"

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Language, Timothy!

Our choice of language can have important implications for how we think, react and problem solve. This crosses all disciplines from science, sociology, law, and pointedly, sustainability.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Green steel - a template for other hard to abate sectors?

Not only is green steel an important sector from a GHG emissions perspective, it could be the trail blazer for a number of other important transitions. Why not read on ...

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Hospitals and sustainability

Hospitals and healthcare facilities help sustain human life. But at what cost to the environment?

Steven Bowen
Members Public

US farmers get right to "repair" their own John Deere tractors

John Deere has reached a voluntary agreement with farmers groups about the right to repair. While its important around the margins, its unlikely to slow the growth in ag tech.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

No butts as tobacco companies clean up in Spain

Single-use items are tolerated less and less. Managing their waste is increasingly becoming part of the rules - cigarettes included.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Energy efficiency is the first step

The cheapest and greenest energy is the energy we don't use. Calls for a national 'war effort' on energy efficiency.

Ffiona Rowland Devasabai
Members Public

The psychology of ESG and sustainability investing

While the need for different ways of thinking and investing in order to safeguard our climate, nature & societies is evident, attempting to drive change while we are informed by the same states of mind that have been predominant in the past will lead to insufficient incremental advances