The Sustainable Investor

Sustainability, Strategy and Finance

The Sustainable Investor
Steven Bowen
Members Public

Timber in buildings is good, but not always

The use of timber as a structural element in buildings, replacing steel or concrete, is on the rise. And, in many cases this is a good thing. Timber can be a cost effective, lower carbon and more sustainable solution. But we can sometimes carry this narrative too far

Steven Bowen
Members Public

More climate change law is coming

In a world of climate & biodiversity "sticks and carrots", the law is a clear stick. But, we argue that the law is not just about action by governments and regulators. Climate and biodiversity litigation by private citizens and pressure groups is on the rise.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Air pollution and passenger vehicles

With motorised vehicles the focus is often on reducing their carbon footprint by changing how they are powered. But what about their impact on air pollution?

Steven Bowen / Rob Karpati
Members Public

Artisanal mining - seeking solutions

The increasing focus on supply chains for the critical minerals used in green technologies has also brought the topic of artisanal mining to the fore. It remains a controversial and not well understood topic.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Pathway to green steel

Steel is a fundamental building block of our modern economy. As a large source of GHG emissions, its production is an important decarbonisation problem. But we have solutions.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Green hydrogen - why should I care what it costs?

If you care about sustainability being financeable, you should also care about how much it costs to make green hydrogen.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

RetroFit for 55?

Retrofitting existing buildings can save both embodied carbon relative to new construction (and demolition) whilst improving the operational efficiency of the building which in turn saves carbon emissions and costs.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Retrofit from liability to asset

Existing materials offer the potential to transform existing buildings into carbon stores.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Do we have enough EV chargers?

We are going to need a lot more EV chargers, including solutions that work for all potential purchasers, including those in dense urban areas. Yes, EV charging growth is lagging the surge in EV's - but that's not a problem (yet).

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

Interconnectors of France, Belgium and the Netherlands

Interconnectors allow electricity to flow between a country with excess electricity to one with a deficit. In this Quick Insight we look at interconnectors in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Why should investors care about biodiversity? Part 3

There are multiple reasons why mainstream investors and companies should be paying more attention to biodiversity loss. One reason (among many) is it actually makes good business sense.

Sandy Jayaraj
Members Public

How do we pump up the volume on heat pumps?

Heat pumps could be an important low-carbon, cost efficient solution for keeping our homes at the appropriate temperature. Getting them into homes takes more than just the kit.