Feed animals differently = feed an extra billion+
Agricultural reform could ensure the global population has sufficient nutrients.
Coping better with extreme events
Sustainability is not just about mitigation (actions that reduce future risks). In some cases the challenge is much more immediate, we also need to invest in adaption. Helping us to cope with events that are happening now.
What caught our eye this week
Natural farming for yields; shortfalls in raw materials; Sustainability engagement by needs to be proactive
Sunday Brunch: premiumisation as a sustainability strategy?
Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business.- Warren Buffett Can a premium coffee brand help the farmers ? People who know me know that I love coffee. But, we have to accept that as an industry, it has
Only as strong as the weakest link in the supply chain
A company’s supply chain is inexorably connected to its successes and its failures. It can have material impact on value.
Can the big miners fix artisanal mining?
Rob Karpati, from The Blended Capital Group, has been guest writing blogs for us on artisanal mining. Feedback we frequently get is 'thanks, we now get the problem, so what can we do'. Formalisation is the preferred pathway, but how to best deliver it?
Sunday Brunch: the binary chasm
Hydrogen is good. Hydrogen economy is good for all things. Hydrogen is bad. Dangerous. Inefficient. It's bad for all things. H2aiku. Back in February Steven wrote a Deep Dive highlighting how the ESG and sustainability debate has been oversimplified to the point where organisations have inadvertently over-promised and
PFAS - paints, pesticides and 'puters.
'Forever chemicals' are facing increasing scrutiny over their potentially harmful impacts on the environment and our health.
Supply chains come under even more scrutiny
As public opinion leads, legislation follows, at least in Europe. The most recent legislative move is on deforestation, but it's just one of a wave of new laws and regulations. And behind legislation comes litigation.
Sunday Brunch: investing is not just about generating alpha
At it's heart our financial system is really simple. Money flows from savers to spenders. Where this system struggles is when the actions of the spenders impose costs on the wider society that mean that the net return to savers (financial return minus imposed costs) are reduced.
Has the outlook for green hydrogen got better?
Green hydrogen has been in the news recently. Does this mean that it's becoming more real? Or is much of it still hype - which risks creating a bubble? The short answer is (somewhat surprisingly), from an investment perspective, not much has really changed.
Sweden's wooden city
Wood has been used for centuries in construction but when managed appropriately could become key to making the built environment more sustainable.