Steven Bowen

Steven Bowen

After starting as an engineer, Steven has 30 years' experience in the finance/investing world, including in corporate finance, debt markets, broking, and as an activist buy side portfolio manager.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Can we support the electricity grid using EV's?

In the 'first' real world test, EV's were successfully used to support the electricity grid when it was under stress. There is still a lot of work to do, but V2G looks like a viable technology

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: not every sustainability decision is an either/or

As a society we seem to what to make every choice binary. You either select A or B. And the A people often hate the B people, and think that they are idiots, or something worse.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

How big a water problem does Europe have ?

European consumers have got used to cheap and fresh produce in our supermarkets, often all through the year. But much of this produce comes from water stressed countries - hard to believe on a wet day in Northern Europe, but true.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Have we finally found a zero carbon cement solution?

What if we could take demolition concrete and turn it back into new cement. And do it piggy backing off the process for making greener steel - the Electric Arc Furnace. Wouldn't that be good news.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: Can the new politicians derail the transition?

Recent elections in Europe have led to a shift to the right, but will this really halt the green transitions, or are we just talking about a temporary slowing ?

Rob Karpati / Steven Bowen
Members Public

Could artisanal miners help bridge the critical mineral funding gap?

If the large global mining companies are not investing enough in critical minerals, do we need to think more laterally? Could artisanal miners (ASM) help bridge at least part of the gap, and maybe bring production on stream faster?

Steven Bowen
Members Public

What to do with gas grids?

The use of gas will decline dramatically as part of the transition to net zero. Modelling at European levels shows that by 2050 about 70% less gaseous fuels will be used. Which raises the question of what happens to our gas grid infrastructure?

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Are we thinking about stranded assets incorrectly?

If I say stranded assets to a finance person or a sustainability professional my guess is that your first thought is oil & gas. But is this missing the point?

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: Can we totally rely on regulation ?

Regulation is seen as an important element of the process of building a more sustainable economy. But sometimes it fails - we need to remain vigilant.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

The 'value' of wind and solar to the grid

Can more wind and solar lead to lower electricity prices for consumers. The answer is broadly yes - and some consumers are already seeing the benefit.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Replacing lost soil carbon

A generation of farmers and scientists are working together to find ways to sequester carbon in the soil, while improving crop yields. And it's not difficult. It involves no new technologies. However, the biggest barrier is humans

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Corporate fleet electrification

In the EU, six out of ten new car registrations are corporate. You might think this was a perfect opportunity to easily sell more EV's. Big fleets and bulk deals. But apparently not.