Steven Bowen

Steven Bowen

After starting as an engineer, Steven has 30 years' experience in the finance/investing world, including in corporate finance, debt markets, broking, and as an activist buy side portfolio manager.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Environmental litigation funding - increasing pressure to prevent?

US hedge fund Gramercy (along with some of its clients) has provided $552.5 million in litigation funding (a secured loan) to Pogus Goodhead, a UK law firm involved in a number of class action lawsuits with environmental links.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Cooperatives and appellations: addressing the gap between the cost of coffee and farmer income.

The gap between coffee price and farmer income needs bridging. Can Co-operatives and appellations help.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

What caught our eye - three key stories (week 43)

Green vs brown buildings; Green bond miss; IEA says fossil fuel demand still high.

Steven Bowen / Rob Karpati
Members Public

Why we all need to care about artisanal mining solutions

Artisanal mining is becoming an increasingly important issue as we examine the challenges faced by mined material supply chains. But, the importance of these solutions goes well beyond mining.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: The importance of the Cost of Capital - part 1

The Cost of Capital is a powerful financial concept, but one that hides a lot of complexity. The phrase is often mis-used. One common mistake is to believe that if a sustainability investment is lower risk, it means it's a better investment.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: what is this investment worth?

How we create narratives to generate financial forecasts impacts the valuation process

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Better building regulations can drive greener buildings

Getting involved in updating building codes might seem technical and a bit boring. But, it's probably the best and most efficient, at scale solution to creating a more sustainable building industry.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

All swans are black in the dark

In a recent LinkedIn post, Andreas Posavac, Global Head of ESG, Corporate Governance and M&A Advisory at S&P Global Market Intelligence discussed a multi-year research study by The Generation Foundation and 2° Investing Initiative called "All swans are black in the dark." The study

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sustainable food: ingredient diversification and reformulation really helps

"Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, and perhaps the most dangerous thing for society to be without". William Sloane Coffin Jnr The food industry has the potential to make a massive difference in terms of making our agricultural system more sustainable. And

Steven Bowen
Members Public

Sunday Brunch: sustainable finance and the innovation curve

Sustainability is a massive strategic challenge, using the innovation curve can help our preparation. The sustainability transitions will bring change, and executing change is tough. A good strategy is key. Sustainability professionals have a key role in preparing organisations for a new future.

Steven Bowen
Members Public

The transitions will be harder and easier than we think.

There is a tendency to gloss over some of the challenges in delivering the sustainability transitions, to simplify what it is we need to do.  And as a result our sustainability plans and proposals can jar with the people who actually have to deliver the change on the ground. This

Steven Bowen
Members Public

European automotive - a sustainability strategy case study in slow motion?

Strategy is an area where sustainability professionals have the most to add to the long term success of their organisation. But sometimes the best strategy conflicts with the outcome we want - we need to stay true.